Lemon natural, 1 kg

Lemon natural, 1 kg

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Lemons for a long time and become part of the daily diet of healthy food as a healing fruit - Indian Yoga is not accidentally called lemon universal means of maintaining health. Natural cleaner composition lemons enhances the taste and nutritional properties of various foods and beverages, normalizes metabolism, improves the appearance of the skin, prolongs youth enhances mood and performance

Natural lemons  abound high in vitamins, organic acids, pectins and minerals. Natural composition of this representative of citrus is the prevention of atherosclerosis, and vitamin deficiency, perfectly strengthens the body's defenses and inhibits the growth of spoilage bacteria and pathogenic microflora. The diet used and pulp of lemon, and its crust - naprmer, as an antifungal agent, as well as a means to strengthen the gums and teeth protection from yellow plaque.